Tools & Resources For Homebuyers
We believe that helping aspiring homebuyers become educated homeowners is an important first step in the homebuying process. We created this homebuyer resource center to help you educate your customers about the benefits of homeownership and how private mortgage insurance (PMI) can help them become homeowners sooner.
From here you can access our award-winning homebuyer education tool, EssentIQ®, to show first-time homebuyers how PMI can help them become homeowners sooner than they think. There’s also education content that explains what PMI is and how it works. We also offer educational flyers that you can download and share with customers to help illustrate the benefits of PMI.
Learn the benefits of private mortgage
insurance in the homebuying process.
Educate homebuyers about PMI and
how it works, as well as important
information about homebuyer
credit scores.
Create personalized loan scenarios to
show homebuyers how they can buy
now with as little as 3% down.
Other Education Resources

How To Know When You’re Ready To Buy
Help homebuyers explore their homebuying options with EssentIQ®.
Download PDF
Private Mortgage Insurance FAQs
Get answers to the most common questions about private MI.
Download PDF
Understanding The Homebuying Process
Enroll homebuyers in our free homebuyer education program by Finally Home!®.
Download PDF